Roisin Eve's beginning

Roisin Eve: A Journey between the Worlds

Roisin Eve's journey is as enchanting as the mystical landscapes of her birthplace in Brocagh, a village cradled by the western shores of Lough Neagh, County Tyrone, Ireland. Born into the world on the first day of 1969, Roisin's life has been a testament to the profound connection between the spiritual realm and the natural world. The village's namesake, ‘Brocach’, meaning ‘badger warren’ in Irish, perfectly encapsulates the essence of Roisin Eve's path. Much like the badger, known for its courage and its role as a guardian of the Earth's healing herbs, Roisin Eve has embraced the fearless pursuit of depth, where the mysteries of life and creation intertwine trough the divine sacred plan. From the very moment of her birth, when she turned into a Frank breech position, Roisin Eve was destined to see the world from a unique perspective. This early sign heralded a life of seeing beyond the surface, a gift she believes was her first connection to a different viewpoint of the world. Guided by Spirit from the tender age of three and a half, following a near death experience, Roisin Eve's awakening to the spiritual realm began, setting her on a path of enlightenment and healing. By the age of nine, Roisin Eve was already sharing messages of guidance with her school friends, a testament to the early blossoming of her gift. Drawing on the wisdom that every gift must be nurtured and used with care, Roisin Eve founded Rainbow Lighthouse and, in 2023, expanded god's vision with the opening of Trinity House Retreat. Roisin Eve's mission has taken her across the globe, to USA, France, Croatia, Switzerland, England and India, sharing divine grace. Roisin Eve's ability to connect on a profound emotional, mental and physical level with those she encounters is rooted in her belief that we all emanate from the same energy source. She teaches that the illusion of separation, the "them" and "us," is merely a construct of the physical realm. Through her guidance, Roisin Eve has touched the lives of over 100,000 people worldwide, transforming and awakening spirits with her deep insight and sensitivity. Her remarkable gift and dedication to helping others have not only earned her a place on platforms like BBC TV and Radio but have also garnered her a reputation as a sensitive and powerful mystic, offering solutions and solace to those in search of enlightment. In the heart of Trinity House, Roisin Eve extends an invitation to all those seeking to rediscover their connection to the universal energy, to embark on a journey of healing, awakening and transformation.

Meet the Love

Trinity Dogs
At Trinity House, the gentle pitter-patter of paws on ancient stone floors heralds the presence of our cherished canine companion, Charlie. Ever the vigilant aide to Roisin Eve, Charlie lends his calming energy to clearings, offering a silent strength that supports the unwinding of energies. He is always by Roisin Eve's side, except when he can be found with our gardener. Charlie loves nothing more than having his ball thrown and will tirelessly protect the estate, often with his enthusiastic barking. Despite his vigilant nature, he adores lounging on the sofa and being petted. His comforting presence during clearings makes him an invaluable part of our team.

Trinity Donkeys
Lady Bird & Patrick
Trinity House is filled with the quiet wisdom of Lady Bird and Patrick, our donkeys. Lady Bird seems to whisper stories of the land with her knowing eyes, while Patrick, the ever-diligent guardian, watches over our green pastures. Together they embody the enduring spirit of the landscape, offering an unwavering presence that connects us to the rhythmic pulse of the earth.

Trinity Dogs
At Trinity House, the gentle pitter-patter of paws on ancient stone floors heralds the presence of our cherished canine companion, Nessa. With her warm soul and beautiful light brown eyes, Nessa steals the heart of every visitor. She is a dog who prefers the outdoors, basking in the Irish sun and watching over our sacred grounds with a tranquil vigilance. Nessa delights in treats and has a knack for making everyone want to take her home after their stay. Her endearing charm and loving nature make her the quintessence of love at Trinity House.